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MM20 - Live-broadcasted music concert

When the Covid-19 pandemic took over, it became clear that our usual live performances and events wouldn't be able to go ahead as usual. Lots of these events and performances were cancelled or replaced with pre-recorded content. But for Balcarras' annual summer music concert: 'Midsummer Music', it was decided that we should try and do something more ambitious. A live broadcast. 


I set to work trying to figure out how we could make it work and managed to come up with a system using Open Broadcasting Software and some hardware that pulls a live signal off the school video cameras to produce a viable set up. On the night, I was operating the main stream, sending out the right student submission/interlude video at the right time and splitting it up with live pieces to camera by some of the teaching staff from the drama and music departments. 

The rather trendy name 'MM20' was suggested by Tony Bennett, the head of drama, and I produced an ident, intro and other branding to bring the whole piece together. 

Sixth form induction evening semi-live.

After the success of Midsummer Music 2020 (see above) the school decided that for the sixth form open evening, a similar live broadcast could be attempted, in an almost talk-show format. Whilst this was recorded live using live cameras and a vision mixing station in exactly the same way as MM20, it wasn't broadcast live, to allow for last-minute edits in case of any mistakes.


The drama studio, already fitted with a comprehensive lighting set up, was quickly repurposed to a live broadcasting studio, with stylish tables, chairs and Balcarras branding. Unlike MM20, which used only 1 live camera, the Sixth Form induction evening used 2 live cameras, a close and a wide, which I toggle between during the broadcast, giving it a really professional appearance. Finally, intertwined with the pieces to camera by the Sixth Form team, there are short inserts with the students talking about their time at Balcarras Sixth Form, which I filmed and edited.


The entire sixth form broadcast is available to watch below, with the first student interlude around 9 minutes in.

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