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24/12/2020 - Flooding Tewkesbury - 4.327 m

On Christmas Day 2020 the floodwater in Tewkesbury peaked at 4.327 m at the Mythe gauging station. Although this was a lower value than the February flooding at the gauging station, it was actually higher on Christmas Eve than February in many places to the east of Gloucester road due to the influence of quick-response flash-flood-inducing rivers which responded to significant rainfall on the 23rd!

All the areas photographed above are to the east of the 'Gloucester Road bottleneck' as I like to call it. The flooding outside Morrisons and the hospital particularly is much higher than it was in February, which further highlights the differences in different types of rainfall events on flooding.

The third and the final photo are of the sunrise on New Year's Eve across the quick-response floodplains which, in comparison, hardly flooded in February.

Some comparisons between February and December 2020 outside Morrisons highlighting the significant influence of quick response rivers on the east of Gloucester Road:


Copyright © 2022 Oskar Brennan - All photos and videos by Oskar Brennan 

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