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13/01/2023 - Flooding Tewkesbury - 4.24m

Floodwaters rose to and plateaued at ~4.24m on the 13th and held steady until the 15th where they dropped again at the Mythe Gauging station in Tewkesbury. The flooding was just a few centimetres lower than the 4.4m where problems start occurring around Tewkesbury and major roads start getting affected. I visited Wainlode lane and the road between Deerhurst and Apperley to fly the drone and get some interesting perspectives. On the 13th at Wainlodes, the level wasn't too high in the floodplains as it was still flowing over the levees, but it was very windy, which meant for dramatic viewing as waves rolled over the hedgerows lining the road and crashed into the trees and road signs. By the morning of the 14th, the situation had changed dramatically and the water had risen at least 50 cm to cover the main road, resulting in cars being stranded, all while just a few kilometres upstream there was no change at all. These floodplains are really dynamic and all behave differently.

Drone footage from Tewkesbury and Apperley:

Waves rolling into the fence lining Wainlode lane on the 13th:

Cars stranded on the main road on the 14th at Haw Bridge after the waters rose in the night:


Copyright © 2022 Oskar Brennan - All photos and videos by Oskar Brennan 

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