On the morning of the 19th I woke up ready to head to the local steam railway to perform on the keyboard as 'Music Elf' on their 'Ride with Santa' Santa specials when I saw the thick fog outside. Knowing there was as significant temperature inversion at the time, I checked on the satellite pictures to see if there was any evidence of local high terrain rising above the fog.
To my excitement, the faint outline of the Cotswold Hills was definitely visible, so I took a detour up onto the hill on the way to the railway to see if I could get above the fog. Sure enough, as I climbed, the fog grew brighter and glimmers of blue began to be visible overhead. At the highest point of my journey, I broke out of the fog completely, and besides the car a fantastic fogbow shone brightly around the antisolar point. I parked the car and got out to photograph the fogbow and the sea of fog spreading out to the horizon, broken only by distant hilltops. I was gutted I hadn't brought the drone as I could've easily and safely flown the drone on the hilltop there to get some fantastic footage of the fog lying in the valleys.
Fogbows are essentially like rainbows, but completely white, forming only in fog. Like rainbows, they always surround the antisolar point as a full ring, and in some of the photos, like the one with the gate road sign, you can see a very faint fogbow in the foreground. They bear some resemblance to solar halos, except of course that solar halos form around the sun, in the complete opposite point to fogbows.