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13/01/2022 - Temperature Inversion

As we approached the summit of Cadair Idris, we realised that we were beginning to be able to see over the clouds. By the time we reached the trigpoint, we were well above the cloud layer, able to see the clouds below us in all directions, with views to Snowdon, Aran Fawddwy and out to sea completely unobscured.

This effect is caused by a temperature inversion, associated with the high pressure over the UK at the time. In a temperature inversion, the temperature at altitude is higher than at lower elevations, which can prevent clouds from rising very high, often resulting in grey and foggy valleys but clear, crisp and warm mountain summits, which was exactly the case in this instance. This is one of my favourite phenomena to see in the mountains, and this hike was probably the best I'd ever done. The feeling of being up high is just incredible, as always on a mountain, but to have the clouds below you is something completely different and a completely unmatchable feeling.


Copyright © 2022 Oskar Brennan - All photos and videos by Oskar Brennan 

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